Rating 4.7
Rating 4.7
Rating 4.5
Rating 4.7
Rating 4.7
Disclaimer : Real Data API only extracts publicly available data while maintaining a strict policy against collecting any personal or identity-related information.
Using the Google Maps Scraper, extract data from hundreds of locations and businesses within a few clicks. Get location data, images, reviews, opening hours, and many more. Through Google Maps Scraper API, you can store all the data into a usable format that surpasses the limitations of Google Maps API. Our Google Maps Location Data Collection tool is present in the USA, UK, UAE, Canada, France, Germany, Spain, Singapore, Australia, Mexico, Italy, and so forth, making the solution suitable and extensible for your data extraction needs.
With this data scraping tool to scrape Google Maps data, you can quickly collect location and business data. Our tool for crawling Google Maps allows you to scrape and compile all the below Google Maps data.
The crawler also helps to collect all the reviews information details as below:
You must enable personal data scraping of reviewing customers explicitly in the input field.
Google Maps API also offers below features:
Its working process is similar to searching anything on Google Maps and copying the displayed data from resulting pages according to requirements. The scraper opens the official platform of Google Maps, explores the mentioned location, and uses a search bar to find the exact location to scrape. Then it keeps scrolling the page until the final webpage of results. The Google location scraper enqueues each location as an individual page and copies it to paste into a usable data format. The tool shows the same process with much more speed. If you want to learn the process in detail, try it on your device.
Our platform offers a trial plan of 5 USD each month that you can use to extract up to two thousand Google Maps reviews using this scraper. However, platform credit consumption will vary depending on complications and custom requirements for your Google Maps data.
If you want to scrape more data often, you must buy our subscription to the personal plan at 49 USD monthly. In this plan, you will collect up to twenty thousand results from Google Maps.
You can scrape up to 30 thousand Maploads monthly worth 200 USD for free using the official API for Google Maps. But it restricts results to sixty only regardless of mentioned location radius. Hence if you like to extract New York-based data for restaurants, you will get output for up to 60 of thousand restaurants in the selected radius.
On the other hand, Google Maps data scrapeR has no restrictions on data results. It is affordable and offers comprehensive outputs with infographics, like histograms, that you can't get using the official Google Maps API.
You can legally scrape Google Maps data if it is publicly available. But it would help if you didn't try to scrape personal data without any legitimate reason. Personal data include intellectual properties, contact details, images, and users' locations that they don't want to share with the public. Either follow the terms and conditions of Google or consult your lawyer to check the legitimacy of your reason.
You can follow your stepwise tutorial to learn how to set up and use this scraper. Additionally, you can explore our tutorial to learn how to access geolocation features using Google Maps Scraper.
Here are some ways to use collected data from Google Maps:
To get more ideas for utilizing collected data, visit our industry page and learn how industries use web scraping in various fields.
If you need to scrape only Google Maps reviews, this is one of the best options. The scraper collects each review for all Google Maps places.
You have to submit the location URL to scrape its data and wait for the scraper to get you the data for Google Maps reviews that you can store and download for market research, business analysis, and other activities.
Use contact details to improve Google Maps Data Scraper results. Crawl websites for selected Google Maps locations to get contact information, and add it into a single data file. Gather location, website, email address, mobile number, social media URLs, etc. Setup contact details with Google anals and get more relevant data from the platform comfortably.
Discover the lowest prices for gas refills and price update timestamps from local gas stations.
It would be best to acquire your Google API key to use this scraper due to the use of the official API for Google. You have an edge in using this tool instead of the official Google API due to its restrictions to scrape selected data.
Here are the input options for Google Maps Data Scraper:
You can also use the JSON file of equivalent input parameters that you can see in the above image.
{ "searchStringsArray": [ "pet shelter in Prague", "place_id:ChIJ8_JBApXMDUcRDzXcYUPTGUY", ], "maxCrawledPlacesPerSearch": 10, "language": "en", "maxImages": 10, "onlyDataFromSearchPage": false, "deeperCityScrape": true, "maxReviews": 0, "scrapeReviewerName": true, "scrapeReviewerId": true, "scrapeReviewerUrl": true, "scrapeReviewId": true, "scrapeReviewUrl": true, "scrapeResponseFromOwnerText": true, "oneReviewPerRow": false, "reviewsSort": "newest", "allPlacesNoSearchAction": "" }
The scraper will store its output in a usable dataset. Once it finishes its execution successfully, you can export collected data in multiple formats like CSV, XML, JSON, RSS, and more.
Here is the simplified output example in tabular format:
Or you can see a JSON formatted output example here.
{ "title": "Sdružení na ochranu zvířat v krajní nouzi", "description": "Naše zraněné přírůstky po výstavě – poškozené ouško u 6letého Pouziho, vykloubená nožka 5měsíčního bílomouratého Míši, 8měsíční černý dlouhosrstý Mikulka se zraněnou nožkou, holýma zadníma nožkama a holým ocáskem, Cyril sražený autem, neovládá zadní nožky.", "subTitle": null, "price": null, "menu": null, "categoryName": "Pet adoption service", "address": "Na Pláni 2006, 150 00 Praha 5, Czechia", "locatedIn": null, "neighborhood": "Na Pláni 2006", "street": "Na Pláni 2006", "city": "Prague 5", "postalCode": "150 00", "state": null, "countryCode": "CZ", "plusCode": "397W+49 Prague 5, Czechia", "website": "https://www.kocici-utulek.cz/", "phone": "+420 603 225 948", "temporarilyClosed": false, "claimThisBusiness": true, "location": { "lat": 50.062872, "lng": 14.3958755 }, "permanentlyClosed": false, "totalScore": 4.3, "isAdvertisement": false, "rank": 9, "placeId": "ChIJuxlGAU6UC0cRI_jkTCUIboA", "categories": [ "Pet adoption service" ], "cid": "9254343240589834275", "url": "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sdru%C5%BEen%C3%AD+na+ochranu+zv%C3%AD%C5%99at+v+krajn%C3%AD+nouzi/@50.062872,14.3958755,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x470b944e014619bb:0x806e08254ce4f823!8m2!3d50.0628787!4d14.3958708?hl=en", "popularTimesLiveText": "Not too busy", "popularTimesLivePercent": 38, "popularTimesHistogram": {}, // See section below "openingHours": [], // See section below "additionalInfo": {}, // See section below "searchPageUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/search/pet+shelter+in+Prague/@37.6,-95.665,4z?hl=en", "searchPageLoadedUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/search/pet+shelter+in+Prague/@37.6,-95.665,4z?hl=en", "searchString": "pet shelter in Prague", "scrapedAt": "2022-07-28T12:42:10.969Z", "reviewsCount": 40, "reviewsDistribution": { "oneStar": 6, "twoStar": 0, "threeStar": 1, "fourStar": 2, "fiveStar": 31 }, "imageUrls": [ "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOeEWgXD8Jjmj3DpIa7U9VeJ3E83xaRpefxbYZh=w1920-h1080-k-no", "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipN2XNEQQrjtpMIHLe0WlJHYWd4nhniifUiy9BYq=w1920-h1080-k-no", "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOShH8UZgA-gtJlc83n2uBLhgkd5HRacPIOx_V6=w1920-h1080-k-no", "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPrcwuF0i7y32PUwX-ff-jdkRovD7XQ6fmBWHmr=w1920-h1080-k-no" ], "imagesCount": 7, "reviews": [], "reviewsTags": [ { "title": "facebook", "count": 10 }, ], "placesTags": [ { "title": "Parking", "count": 142 } ], "orderBy": [], "peopleAlsoSearch": [ { "category": "Czech restaurants", "title": "Restaurant Mlýnec", "reviewsCount": 2561, "totalScore": 4.7 } ], "googleFoodUrl": "https://food.google.com/chooseprovider?restaurantId=/g/11hfvkwdgg&g2lbs=ADZRdks7YEfR3so8mfaIvxzxIBfhj30edVasvqVLbfhKcBJvKOet7xVoQdb2e4Fec3KE_TIOmL_bbKvopcN_U9WD4tjF-q0EeS7Pne3vmHfe3kT5b3gcraE5TVEddjqfP5a0mVdhsCri&hl=en-US&gl=us&fo_m=MfohQo559jFvMWvkddHzV46uMT_RFPQ05bfKMQVr5-7IofUJMU_hT8vrWuwRMUv3d8yCO4PgMUOzJVpjPL1YMfZ3bInYwBDuMfaXTPp5KXh-&utm_source=tactile&gei=kw8sZP6wLsibsAefq5b4DA&ei=kw8sZP6wLsibsAefq5b4DA&fo_s=OA,AH,SOE", "webResults": [] // See section below, }
You can also scrape some additional data fields for particular conditions.
"popularTimesHistogram": { "Su": [ { "hour": 6, "occupancyPercent": 0 }, // etc... ], "Mo": [ { "hour": 6, "occupancyPercent": 0 }, // etc... ], // etc... },
"openingHours": [ { "day": "Monday", "hours": "10:30 AM to 11 PM" }, { "day": "Tuesday", "hours": "10:30 AM to 11 PM" }, { "day": "Wednesday", "hours": "10:30 AM to 11 PM" }, { "day": "Thursday", "hours": "10:30 AM to 11 PM" }, { "day": "Friday", "hours": "10:30 AM to 12 AM" }, { "day": "Saturday", "hours": "11 AM to 12 AM" }, { "day": "Sunday", "hours": "11 AM to 10 PM" } ]
"additionalInfo": { "Service options": [ { "Outdoor seating": true }, { "Delivery": true }, { "Takeout": true }, { "Dine-in": true } ], "Accessibility": [ { "Wheelchair accessible entrance": true }, { "Wheelchair accessible parking lot": true }, { "Wheelchair accessible restroom": true }, { "Wheelchair accessible seating": true } ], "Offerings": [ { "Alcohol": true }, { "Beer": true }, { "Coffee": true }, { "Happy hour food": true }, { "Hard liquor": true }, { "Wine": true } ], "Dining options": [ { "Lunch": true }, { "Dinner": true }, { "Dessert": true }, { "Seating": true } ], "Amenities": [ { "Bar onsite": true }, { "Good for kids": true }, { "Restroom": true }, { "Free Wi-Fi": true } ], "Atmosphere": [ { "Casual": true }, { "Cozy": true } ], "Crowd": [ { "Groups": true } ], "Planning": [ { "Accepts reservations": true } ], "Payments": [ { "Debit cards": true }, { "NFC mobile payments": true }, { "Credit cards": true } ] }
"reviews": [ { "name": "What’s in your pantry?", "text": "One of the best pizza place in Pardubice. Great selection of pizzas for good value of money.", "textTranslated": null, "publishAt": "4 years ago", "publishedAtDate": "2018-08-26T15:21:22.259Z", "likesCount": 0, "reviewId": "ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUN3aU5mS3Z3RRAB", "reviewUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/reviews/data=!4m8!14m7!1m6!2m5!1sChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUN3aU5mS3Z3RRAB!2m1!1s0x0:0x79ba84b5e3261fea!3m1!1s2@1:CIHM0ogKEICAgICwiNfKvwE%7CCgsI8oqL3AUQ-KHBew%7C?hl=en-US", "reviewerId": "117322307728195096581", "reviewerUrl": "https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/117322307728195096581?hl=en-US", "reviewerPhotoUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AD5-WCmhximZjAUEJaQ3T-z36al5yqCsyk_VhpBZ5zv3pqs=s120-c-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo-ba3-br100", "reviewerNumberOfReviews": 45, "isLocalGuide": true, "stars": 4, "rating": null, "responseFromOwnerDate": null, "responseFromOwnerText": null, "reviewImageUrls": [ "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipMn71E_8-sqjiLKYJbbI5gqrYhVn3n3ueHpGknt=w150-h150-k-no-p", "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipOHWWSXkDgNn_d8kbpPxMmmb7PaHQKMULJggIMe=w150-h150-k-no-p", "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipMpm926guA2_yc6hamEVQpp0GWkePyv0e6OXwgU=w150-h150-k-no-p" ], "reviewContext": { "Service": "Dine in", "Meal type": "Lunch" }, "reviewDetailedRating": { "Food": 5, "Service": 3, "Atmosphere": 4 } } ]
"moreHotelsOptions": [ { "url": "https://www.booking.com/hotel/us/pittsburgh-3454-forbes.html?&checkin=2023-03-10&checkout=2023-03-11&group_adults=2&req_adults=2&show_room=33940104_356536769_2_2_0&lang=en&selected_currency=USD&exrt=1.00000000&ext_price_total=345.21&ext_price_tax=42.39&xfc=USD&group_children=0&req_children=0&&exfcam=_2&ts=1673860104&no_rooms=1&utm_source=metagha&utm_medium=mapresults&utm_campaign=US&utm_term=hotel-339401&utm_content=dev-desktop_los-1_bw-53_dow-Friday_defdate-1_room-0_gstadt-2_rateid-public_aud-0_gacid-_mcid-10_ppa-0_clrid-0_ad-0_gstkid-0_checkin-20230310_&aid=2127489&label=metagha-link-MRUS-hotel-339401_dev-desktop_los-1_bw-53_dow-Friday_defdate-1_room-0_gstadt-2_rateid-public_aud-0_gacid-_mcid-10_ppa-0_clrid-0_ad-0_gstkid-0_checkin-20230310_", "title": "Booking.com", "price": "$303" }, { "url": "https://www.hotels.com/Hotel-Search?selected=118998&startDate=2023-03-10&endDate=2023-03-11&", "title": "Hotels.com", "price": "$303" }, ], "similarHotelsNearby": [ { "name": "Residence U Malvaz", "rating": 4.3, "reviews": 406, "description": "Cozy hotel offering a restaurant", "price": "$70" }, { "name": "Hotel U Zlatého Stromu", "rating": 3.6, "reviews": 656, "description": "Refined rooms, plus breakfast & dining", "price": "$64" }, ]
"updatesFromCustomers": { "text": "Disneyland California Adventure small area with large park all inclusive celebrations. This is a glimpse into Los Reyes parade. I'm a true fan. Thanks", "language": "en", "postDate": "a week ago", "postedBy": { "name": "Kayla Arredondo", "url": "https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/102968882116587973980?hl=en-US", "title": "Local Guide", "totalReviews": 225 }, "media": [ { "link": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/ggms/AF1QipNNaoT0NSbcWOPSduvZNqJ0kSqUs-dod32FeBtr=m18", "postTime": "a week ago" } ] }
"questionsAndAnswers": { "question": "Which is the best easier way to drop off a family to Disneyland Park", "answer": "best way for drop off family is at down town Disney. Drop them off then you can take a short walk to the park. ", "askDate": "5 years ago", "askedBy": { "name": "Cecilia Salcedo", "url": "https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/109041536347893604294" }, "answerDate": "5 years ago", "answeredBy": { "name": "Gabby Lujan", "url": "https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/105966144333216697667" } }
"webResults": [ { "title": "Hotel & restaurant SIGNAL, Pardubice – Updated 2023 Prices", "displayedUrl": "https://www.booking.com › hotel › signal", "description": "Located 1.2 mi from Pardubice city center, this hotel offers a ... Josefa Janáčka 708, Pardubice, 53012, Czech Republic – Great location - show map." }, { "title": "Hotel & restaurant SIGNAL, Pardubice - Booking.com", "displayedUrl": "https://www.booking.com › signal.en-gb.html", "description": "Located 2 km from Pardubice city centre, this hotel offers a traditional ... Josefa Janáčka 708, Pardubice, 53012, Czech Republic – Great location - show ..." }, { "title": "Hotel & restaurant SIGNAL, Pardubice - 2023 Reviews ...", "displayedUrl": "https://www.agoda.com › ... › Pardubice Hotels", "description": "Hotel & restaurant SIGNAL. Josefa Janáčka 708, Pardubice III, Pardubice, Czech Republic, 53012 - See map." } ],
It is a stepwise tutorial to show you methods to customize features with geo locations and cross the limit of a hundred and twenty outputs.
Visit the Open Street Map webpage to check the selected location that matches your input for geolocation. Google Maps Scraper uses this API for geographical location.
The text locationQuery sets up a location for you. However, if it doesn't work, you can combine city, state, country, etc.
The Google Maps Scraper uses automation to effectively zoom the map to scrape data. It uses a higher zoom option for smaller geolocation than bigger ones. The options with higher zoom can discover more locations, but it is costly and time-consuming. Typically, if you increase zoom, it will give you diminishing outputs.
Here are a few sample values for the zoom option for some locations:
There is an option to override zoom input between 1 to 21 values for the world and a few homes.
If you can't find your location or want to change it according to your requirements, you can use the Custom Search Area function to create starting URLs. For example, try the Nominatim API and check the geoJSON field with Cambridge in Britain as an example. You can access many search location geometry categories. Each geometry follows the official GeoJSON-based RFC.
GeoJSON is a superb tool that you can use to develop any customGeolocation with the proper data format.
The tool is compatible with all GeoJSON types, but Circle, Polygon, and MultiPolygon are the most valuable.
The most common GeoJSON type of location is a polygon. Its point sets define locations. Consider closing the polygon using the exact coordinates for the first and last points. The customGeolocation has the following example format.
This sample covers the top portion of the city in the UK, like London.
{ "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ // Must be the same as last one -0.322813, // Longitude 51.597165 // Latitude ], [ -0.314990, 51.388023 ], [ 0.060493, 51.389199 ], [ 0.051936, 51.600360 ], [ // Must be the same as first one -0.322813, 51.597165 ] // ... ] ] }
It can combine multiple discontinuous polygons
{ "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ // first polygon [ [ 12.0905752, // Longitude 50.2524063 // Latitude ], [ 12.1269337, 50.2324336 ], // ... ] ], [ // second polygon // ... ] ] }
You can use the point category for a circle with radiusKm as a custom parameter. Remember to vary the circle radius according to your requirements. Here is an example of Basel City in Switzerland.
{ "type": "Point", "coordinates": ["7.5503", "47.5590"], "radiusKm": 8 }
Typically, every output item comes with single-place data. You will see the tabular format for every item as a single row. Studying tabular data format is challenging due to the high volume and complex data available in the dataset. Luckily, you can overcome these challenges.
You can click the input toggle oneReviewPerRow to get the result as a single review in each row. Read more if you want to adjust the already existing dataset format.
For instance, if you want to study reviews, you can set up data based download of your requirement and adjust the data format. Here is the process to get the reviews list using a location title with single reviews in each data row:
The fields=reviews,title option, will download the title and reviews by skipping other data fields. Otherwise, there will be a large output. However, if you dint use any field, there won't be any issue.
Every result location will have five thousand reviews if you dislike using oneReviewPerRow. In case of more reviews for a single location, you'll see the exact locations in the following five thousand reviews. For example, if there are fifty thousand reviews, the output dataset will have ten results for the exact location.
Google Maps Scraper is under development. Our team is constantly working on adding new scraper features and resolving technical issues. If you want any new feature to the scraper or want us to resolve any bug, please create an issue from your console account.
Lastly, it is possible to integrate the Google Maps location data collection tool with any web application or cloud service using Integrations available on our platform. Further, you can connect the scraper with Airbyte, Zapier, GitHub, Google Sheets, Slack, Make, Google Sheets, and other platforms. In case of an event occurrence, you can use webhooks to take any action. For example, you can receive an alert once the scraper completes the execution successfully.
The actor gives you programmatic permission to access our platform. We have organized the actor around RESTful HTTP endpoints to allow you to schedule, manage, and execute scrapers. It also allows you to retrieve results, track performance, access datasets, update and develop scraper versions, and more.
You can use our client PyPl and client NPM packages to access the actor using Python and Node.js, respectively.
You should have a Real Data API account to execute the program examples. Replace < YOUR_API_TOKEN>
in the program using the token of your actor. Read about the live APIs with Real Data API docs for more explanation.
import { RealdataAPIClient } from 'RealdataAPI-Client';
// Initialize the RealdataAPIClient with API token
const client = new RealdataAPIClient({
token: '<YOUR_API_TOKEN>',
// Prepare actor input
const input = {
"searchStringsArray": [
"locationQuery": "New York, USA",
"maxCrawledPlacesPerSearch": 50,
"language": "en",
"maxImages": 0,
"maxReviews": 0,
"countryCode": "",
"allPlacesNoSearchAction": ""
(async () => {
// Run the actor and wait for it to finish
const run = await client.actor("compass/crawler-google-places").call(input);
// Fetch and print actor results from the run's dataset (if any)
console.log('Results from dataset');
const { items } = await client.dataset(run.defaultDatasetId).listItems();
items.forEach((item) => {
from RealdataAPI_client import RealdataAPIClient
# Initialize the RealdataAPIClient with your API token
client = RealdataAPIClient("<YOUR_API_TOKEN>")
# Prepare the actor input
run_input = {
"searchStringsArray": ["restaurant"],
"locationQuery": "New York, USA",
"maxCrawledPlacesPerSearch": 50,
"language": "en",
"maxImages": 0,
"maxReviews": 0,
"countryCode": "",
"allPlacesNoSearchAction": "",
# Run the actor and wait for it to finish
run = client.actor("compass/crawler-google-places").call(run_input=run_input)
# Fetch and print actor results from the run's dataset (if there are any)
for item in client.dataset(run["defaultDatasetId"]).iterate_items():
# Set API token
# Prepare actor input
cat > input.json <<'EOF'
"searchStringsArray": [
"locationQuery": "New York, USA",
"maxCrawledPlacesPerSearch": 50,
"language": "en",
"maxImages": 0,
"maxReviews": 0,
"countryCode": "",
"allPlacesNoSearchAction": ""
# Run the actor
curl "https://api.RealdataAPI.com/v2/acts/compass~crawler-google-places/runs?token=$API_TOKEN" /
-d @input.json /
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Optional Array
Visit the search bar and type the location name you want to search on Google Maps, for example, a pet shelter, hospital, or restaurant. Since you will get a maximum of 120 search results due to restrictions in scrolling Google Maps, you can avoid searching direct locations like Hospital Pittsburgh. However, you can try it to get quick results. Searching for a location using a location ID like place_id:ChIJ8_JBApXMDUcRDzXcYUPTGUY format is also possible.
Optional String
It is to define text location. It would help to use zip codes with a country name instead of a city name. To visually validate the covered area, use the OpenStreeMap web application—fallback to geolocation to choose a city, state, country, county, and postal code. Remember to prefer the above location parameters.
Optional Integer
It is an input parameter to restrict the location count you will get for every search URL or query. If you set a higher number, it will take more time to scrape. If you want to scrape every available place, set the limit value to 9999999.
Optional Enum
You will see the output data in this communication language.
en string
hi string
de string
ca string
da string
fr string
si string
es-419 string
es string
ru string
my string
Optional Integer
It is to set a maximum image count for every location. If you leave the field blank or enter zero, the scraper will not extract any image. Enter 99999 in the input field if you need to collect every image. It will slow down the process for a higher image count.
Optional Boolean
The output will display search page data without any other details. It significantly fastens the scraping process. For every location, it scrapes the title, location, place id, street, state, category, postal code, neighborhood, URL, etc.
Optional Boolean
It is to scrape the web results section at the bottom of the location data. It needs more proxy servers and platform credits.
Optional Integer
It is an input parameter to get the total reviews for each place. The scraper won't collect reviews if you keep the field black or enter zero. To scrape every review, enter 99999 in the input field. You can get only five thousand reviews per scrape. If you want more reviews, the scraper will store them in five thousand reviews. Using it may slow down the scraping process.
Optional Boolean
The Google Maps Scraper will generate a single output row for every review if tested. It will copy other location data in every row. If you need CSV-compatible output, then use this option.
Optional String
YYYY-MM-DD is the general format to enter the starting date
Optional Enum
Define the review sorting order.
lowestRanking string
highestRanking string
mostRelevant string
newest string
Optional String
If you enter keywords, the scraper will extract only keywords containing reviews. It will extract all reviews if you keep the field blank.
Optional Boolean
If tested, the tool will scrape the reviewer's name. Please remember to avoid scraping personal data as per the legality.
Optional Boolean
Optional Boolean
Optional Boolean
Optional Boolean
Optional Boolean
Optional Integer
You don't need to set an override zoom level parameter. It automatically selects the excellent value based on the selected location; check the readme tab to learn more. Manually changing the zoom may increase the scraping cost.
Optional Enum
Please enter the country code to set it up for the scraper run. For example, you can add Canada. The scraper will crawl the entire country if you don't choose any other geolocation parameter like city or state. Google Maps Scraper could perform better for whole country searches for a few countries with high populations, like Russia or the United States. For these, you can focus on cities or states.
us string
ca string
uk string
uae string
nz string
ai string
in string
au string
de string
sp string
fr string
be string
sn string
ru string
jp string
Optional String
Input the city name without the country or state name to search—for example, Pittsburgh.
Optional String
Enter the state to search with other geolocation inputs—for example, Massachusetts.
Optional String
Enter the United States county to perform a location search with a combination of other geolocation parameters—for example, Madison.
Optional String
Enter the postal code of the target location to allow the scraper to extract data. For example, enter 10001 as a pin code with a country combination to get accurate data.
Note: Please use only a single pincode at one time.
Optional Object
Define the exact location to search with [longitude, latitude] coordinate order if you face issues scraping with other parameters.
Optional Enum
Limit Location scraping by matching their search title.
only_exact string
only_includes string
all string
Optional Array
Please copy the link to Google Maps and enter it in this input field. If you've used the search query field, you can keep this field empty. The valid URL format for Google Maps URL is /maps/place or /maps/search. Here is the sample URL:
Optional Enum
It will extract each location it discovers on Google Maps. You won't get the expected results if you use URLs. It also depends on zooming, so increase the zoom to scrape more locations.
all_places_no_search_mouse string
all_places_no_search_ocr string
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"maxCrawledPlacesPerSearch": 50,
"language": "en",
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"scrapeReviewUrl": true,
"scrapeResponseFromOwnerText": true,
"searchMatching": "all",
"allPlacesNoSearchAction": ""