Disclaimer : Real Data API only extracts publicly available data while maintaining a strict policy against collecting any personal or identity-related information.
Utilize our Allegro data scraper for scraping eCommerce product names, prices, reviews, descriptions, images, and other data from Allegro. With the Allegro Scraper API, Allegro is a leading e-commerce platform in Poland with European origin. Use our Allegro Product Data Collection tool to extract the requisite product data in countries like Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Singapore, USA, UK, UAE, and India. This all-in-one API efficiently and fast tracks the extraction of complete product information for superior market analysis and better business decisions in international markets.
Our Allegro Data Extractor permits you to collect product data from https://allegro.pl/, the leading ecommerce platform in Poland.
The Allegro scraper collects product data like:
You can run the Allegro data scraper with two modes based on your data needs:
In the simple mode, you'll get simplified data output. At the same time, our scraper collects all possible data with detailed information in the detailed output mode. Then why use simple output mode? Because it gives the output data with less platform cost with optimized speed. However, it only extracts data from category pages from the Allegro platform. The Allegro product data collection tool will use significantly fewer requests in this mode. To estimate the actual cost better, you will spend around 3 USD to get one lakh outputs in simple output mode. You'll get one thousand results at the exact cost in the detailed mode. But in the detailed mode, you will receive detailed product information in the detailed output mode. Further, you can scrape product reviews in detailed mode, which is impossible in the simple mode.
You can use our monthly trial plan of 5 USD to extract around 1600 detailed outputs or 160000 simple outputs. It would help to buy a relevant monthly pricing plan from various options to scrape the data frequently. The most popular plan available on our platform is a personal plan. It costs around 49 USD and gives around 1600000 outputs. If you need more data, please explore other pricing plans on our platform.
To get customized data visualization on our platform, you can switch from a simple mode to a detailed one and vice versa. Check out the overview tab to get simple and detailed outputs in the simple output mode.
Check out the sample product information in the JSON dataset format for detailed and simple mode. Further, you can export the output in Excel, CSV, XML, RSS, or HTML format. When you discover products using categories, the Allegro product data scraper will only mention sponsoredOffer and page fields. Additionally, the tool accepts product URLs as start URLs, so please share those in the input field to get the data for particular products.
{ "url": "https://allegro.pl/oferta/10180595115", "sku": "10180595115", "title": "Mysz Ergonomiczna Pionowa Bezprzewodowa Myszka, 110,00 zł", "thumbnail": "https://a.allegroimg.com/original/11d6ba/ed2abaaf47ceb8ce9b2f01c58eb7/Mysz-Ergonomiczna-Pionowa-Bezprzewodowa-Myszka", "sponsoredOffer": false, "page": 1, "categoryUrl": "https://allegro.pl/kategoria/myszki-bezprzewodowe-4575", "price": 110, "currency": "zł", "purchases": 16, "condition": "Nowy" }
{ "url": "https://allegro.pl/oferta/mysz-ergonomiczna-pionowa-bezprzewodowa-myszka-10180595115", "title": "Mysz Ergonomiczna Pionowa Bezprzewodowa Myszka - Sklep, Opinie, Cena w Allegro.pl", "sku": "10180595115", "description": "Kup teraz na allegro.pl za 119,99 zł - Mysz Ergonomiczna Pionowa Bezprzewodowa Myszka (10180595115). Allegro.pl - Radość zakupów i bezpieczeństwo dzięki Programowi Ochrony Kupujących!", "rating": 4.73, "ratingsCount": 704, "reviewsCount": 188, "currency": "PLN", "price": 119.99, "purchases": 3, "shippingPrice": 8.99, "shippingInfo": [ "Dostawa od 8,99 zł" ], "inStock": true, "availableUnits": 150, "peopleBidding": null, "priceValidUntil": null, "sellerName": "Fotonia", "sellerRating": 99.6, "thumbnail": "https://a.allegroimg.com/original/11d6ba/ed2abaaf47ceb8ce9b2f01c58eb7/Mysz-Ergonomiczna-Pionowa-Bezprzewodowa-Myszka", "images": [ "https://a.allegroimg.com/original/11d6ba/ed2abaaf47ceb8ce9b2f01c58eb7/Mysz-Ergonomiczna-Pionowa-Bezprzewodowa-Myszka", "https://a.allegroimg.com/original/11b568/e0727a054caf9077a39fa24e247f/Mysz-Ergonomiczna-Pionowa-Bezprzewodowa-Myszka-EAN-GTIN-8713439228793", "https://a.allegroimg.com/original/114364/6b6e91464d8093ff0629a703a2c6/Mysz-Ergonomiczna-Pionowa-Bezprzewodowa-Myszka-Kod-producenta-TRU22879", "https://a.allegroimg.com/original/113388/b81b9f714c1bbc0fdfab8b21bbea/Mysz-Ergonomiczna-Pionowa-Bezprzewodowa-Myszka-Producent-Trust", "https://a.allegroimg.com/original/116196/1ae43115469e9ca24587354b59ac/Mysz-Ergonomiczna-Pionowa-Bezprzewodowa-Myszka-Model-Verto" ], "condition": { "text": "Nowy", "categoryUrl": null }, "warranty": null, "returnPolicy": [ "Zwrot za darmo - 14 dni", "Reklamacja | Gwarancja | Allegro Protect" ], "descriptionSections": [ "Trust Verto Ergonomic Wireless Mouse 22879 mysz bezprzewodowaBezprzewodowa mysz o ergonomicznej, pionowej konstrukcji, która zmniejsza obciążenie ramion i nadgarstkówPracuj wygodnie przez długi czas, zapobiegając jednocześnie dolegliwościom rąk i nadgarstkówWygodna podpórka pod kciuk i gumowa powłoka zapewniająca doskonały chwytPrzycisk wyboru prędkości (800/1200/1600 DPI)Chowany mikro odbiornik USB2 przyciski kciuka: przeglądarka wstecz i dalejPrzełącznik włącz / wyłącz" ], "parameters": [ { "name": "Stan", "value": "Nowy" }, { "name": "Faktura", "value": "Wystawiam fakturę VAT" }, { "name": "Producent", "value": "Trust", "valueLink": "https://allegro.pl/kategoria/myszki-bezprzewodowe-4575?producent=Trust" }, { "name": "Sensor", "value": "optyczny", "valueLink": "https://allegro.pl/kategoria/myszki-bezprzewodowe-4575?sensor=optyczny" }, { "name": "Rozdzielczość myszy", "value": "1600 dpi" }, { "name": "Interfejs", "value": "USB (Radio 2.4 GHz)", "valueLink": "https://allegro.pl/kategoria/myszki-bezprzewodowe-4575?interfejs=USB%20%28Radio%202.4%20GHz%29" }, { "name": "Profil myszy", "value": "praworęczna", "valueLink": "https://allegro.pl/kategoria/myszki-bezprzewodowe-4575?profil-myszy=prawor%C4%99czna" }, { "name": "Liczba przycisków", "value": "6" } ], "breadcrumbs": [ { "categoryName": "Elektronika", "categoryUrl": "https://allegro.pl/dzial/elektronika" }, { "categoryName": "Komputery", "categoryUrl": "https://allegro.pl/kategoria/komputery" }, { "categoryName": "Urządzenia wskazujące", "categoryUrl": "https://allegro.pl/kategoria/urzadzenia-wskazujace-4564" }, { "categoryName": "Myszki", "categoryUrl": "https://allegro.pl/kategoria/urzadzenia-wskazujace-myszki-4568" }, { "categoryName": "Bezprzewodowe", "categoryUrl": "https://allegro.pl/kategoria/myszki-bezprzewodowe-4575" } ], "reviews": [ { "id": "5f8352006a05b54f3b680605", "author": "p...1", "opinion": "Polecam, efekt poprawy podobno można odczuć dopiero po ok. miesiącu użytkowania, ale z myszki korzysta się bardzo wygodnie od pierwszych chwil po wyjęciu z pudełka.", "rating": { "percentage": 100, "stars": 5 }, "cons": "Dół myszki wykonany jest tandetnie", "pros": "Rewelacyjna Cena/Jakość, Satysfakcjonujące DPI, Dobrze wykonana, Wygodna, Dobrze zrealizowany tryb uśpienia, Atrakcyjna wizualnie", "images": [ "https://a.allegroimg.com/original/17aa2e/69edbf2b49caa56b71620a334aab", "https://a.allegroimg.com/original/1790d4/7f0fa80344fa83ba4662dfa1267b", "https://a.allegroimg.com/original/178a8c/ac36a18941dda371385dd032ea83" ], "createdAt": "2020-10-11T18:42:08.438Z", "helpfulness": { "positive": { "count": 5, "percentage": 100 }, "negative": { "count": 0, "percentage": 0 } }, "sourceLanguage": "pl-PL", "flags": [ "BEST" ] } ], "categoryUrl": "https://allegro.pl/kategoria/komputery" }
Lastly, you can connect the Allegro product data scrape with any web applications or cloud services with the help of integrations available on our platform. Further, integrating the scraper with Zapier, Google Drive, Google Sheets, Slack, GitHub, Make, Airbyte, and more. Additionally, you can try webhooks to take action for event occurrences, like getting an alert for the successful execution of the Allegro data crawler.
The Real Data API scraper programmatically allows you to access the platform. We have organized our API around RESTful HTTP endpoints to allow you to run, schedule, and manage our scrapers. Our API also allows you to track scraper performance, access datasets, update and create scraper versions, retrieve outputs, and more.
Use our client PyPl package and client NPM package to access the scraper using Python and Node.js, respectively.
Along with the Allegro data scraper, we have developed dedicated data scrapers for mostly each ecommerce platform. Check the below list.
Please explore the ecommerce scrapers in our store to try them.
You should have a Real Data API account to execute the program examples. Replace
in the program using the token of your actor. Read about the live APIs with Real Data API docs for more explanation.
import { RealdataAPIClient } from 'RealdataAPI-Client';
// Initialize the RealdataAPIClient with API token
const client = new RealdataAPIClient({
token: '<YOUR_API_TOKEN>',
// Prepare actor input
const input = {
"startUrls": [
"maxProducts": 30,
"maxReviews": 15,
"proxyConfiguration": {
"useRealdataAPIProxy": true,
"RealdataAPIProxyGroups": [
(async () => {
// Run the actor and wait for it to finish
const run = await client.actor("lhotanok/allegro-scraper").call(input);
// Fetch and print actor results from the run's dataset (if any)
console.log('Results from dataset');
const { items } = await client.dataset(run.defaultDatasetId).listItems();
items.forEach((item) => {
from RealdataAPI_client import RealdataAPIClient
# Initialize the RealdataAPIClient with your API token
client = RealdataAPIClient("<YOUR_API_TOKEN>")
# Prepare the actor input
run_input = {
"startUrls": [
"maxProducts": 30,
"maxReviews": 15,
"proxyConfiguration": {
"useRealdataAPIProxy": True,
"RealdataAPIProxyGroups": ["RESIDENTIAL"],
# Run the actor and wait for it to finish
run = client.actor("lhotanok/allegro-scraper").call(run_input=run_input)
# Fetch and print actor results from the run's dataset (if there are any)
for item in client.dataset(run["defaultDatasetId"]).iterate_items():
# Set API token
# Prepare actor input
cat > input.json <<'EOF'
"startUrls": [
"maxProducts": 30,
"maxReviews": 15,
"proxyConfiguration": {
"useRealdataAPIProxy": true,
"RealdataAPIProxyGroups": [
# Run the actor
curl "https://api.RealdataAPI.com/v2/acts/lhotanok~allegro-scraper/runs?token=$API_TOKEN" /
-d @input.json /
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Required Array
Enter the category URLs to scrape products available in those or crawl every subcategory. Further, you can directly use product detail URLs.
Optional Integer
Mention the maximum product count to scrape the data. You can skip this field if you need the data for every product from the selected category.
Optional Integer
Mention the complete reviews count to scrape separate product data. You can skip this input field if you need each review.
Required Boolean
If you need fundamental data on the category page of Allegro products, try this field. If you check the simpleResults option, the scraper will not crawl the pages with product information or scrape reviews.
Required Object
To support the successful execution of the scraper, you've to use a server. The scraper works best with residential proxy servers. The source platform will less intensively block the scraper if you select the Poland option as the proxy country. However, there are capacity limitations to choosing Polish proxy servers. Further, you can try data center proxy servers from the Shader group. But remember that Allegro may often block data center proxy servers.
Required Boolean
To see debug logs, try this field.
"startUrls": [
"maxProducts": 30,
"maxReviews": 15,
"simpleResults": false,
"proxyConfiguration": {
"useRealdataAPIProxy": true,
"RealdataAPIProxyGroups": [
"debugMode": false